Active Roster



(Frequently Asked Questions)

When was 3 Stars Cinema formed?
July 2001
Are you a film festival?
No, we are a film series, which means we screen films all year. We are the only film series of its kind in the DFW area and the hallmark of our series is the post-film discussion that takes place after each screening and often features a special guest speaker.
Where do you show your films?
Primarily at the Angelika Film Center at Mockingbird Station, although we sometimes have screenings at the Angelika in Plano, the Dallas Museum of Art, the Studio Movie Grill/Royal Lane or The Magnolia.
How much does it cost to see a film?
FREE with a membership. Without a membership, screenings are usually $8 in advance or $10 at the door. Costs for special screenings may be slightly higher.
